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F. Stephanie Ball profile picture

Ball Family Memorial

A personal campaign sponsored by F. Stephanie Ball

Support Me

Please consider supporting our fundraiser for the American Red Cross—a lifeline for families like ours during times of crisis. Over the years, the Ball family has steadfastly supported the Red Cross, but our recent personal tragedies have underscored just how vital these services are.

In our darkest hours, the generosity of strangers through blood and plasma donations brought immeasurable comfort and care to our loved ones—Stephanie, Jeb, and Uncle John. These acts of kindness not only supported their medical needs but also gave us hope and solace. The American Red Cross relies on donations like these every day to keep essential blood supplies available for emergencies.

In memory of our loved ones, we ask you to join us in giving back. Whether it’s a monetary gift or scheduling a blood or plasma donation, your contribution can save lives. Every drop counts.

Thank you for standing with us. Together, we can continue to make a difference.
